How far will Irish fans go to support their team?

Save our game

Paddy Power

With Ireland missing out on Euro 2020, Paddy Power decided to ask Irish football fans to park their allegiances and explore the depth of their loyalty by doing the unthinkable - backing England. For every goal England scored amateur Irish football teams would get €10,000.

To launch Paddy Power’s ‘Save Our Game’ campaign we decided the best way get Irish fans talking about the campaign was to trigger them with probably some of the most offensive images conceivable to Irish football fans.

- ICAD Awards 2022 Bronze - Tactical Advertising




Creative Director: Colin Hart
Account Lead: Catriona Campbell, Siobhan McEvoy
Strategy Director: Sarah Walsh
Creative: Paul Kinsella, Rudy Godfrey, Paddy O’Mahoney
Designer: Trevor Nolan